Private bedroom
- Own bathroom
- Built-in wardrobe
- Air-conditioner
- Good view or outlook
Approx 3.75mx2.75m
Home Description
Description of the home
On main bus route to Gosnells stn, shopping.
Close to bottle shop, Ashburton Shopping Center.
Ashburton Fish & Chips, news agent, dental all within 500m.
Not far to Corfield Hotel, and Corfield IGA <1km.
Home features
- Air-conditioning
- Living area heating
- Clothes washer
- Balcony, patio or deck
- Courtyard, garden or yard
Bills and expenses
Cheap Power with Solar and battery installed.
Half Gas,
Half power
Half water usage.
Occupants Description
- Cooking and food
- Current affairs
- Movies
- Music
- Shopping
- Travel
ICT Industry
Flatmate Preferences
- Man
- Woman
- Outside okay